Unlock Cheat Mode
Do not pause game. During game play press Up, Triangle, Down, X, Left, Circle, Right, Square. A message will appear on screen if put in correctly.
Unlock Everything
While playing the game unlock codes then press Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Down, Down.
Super Bunny Hop
Enable the "Cheat mode" code followed by Up, X, Left, Square, Up while playing a game.
Upgrade To Bottle
Don't puase the game. While playing, enable the cheat mode by pressing Up, Triangle, Down, X, Left, Circle, Right, Square - Then press Up, Down, Left, Left, Right, Right. Once this code is enabled your weapon will be upgraded to bottle. But once you use all of your bottles you must enable it again to get more.
Antigravity Mode
Don't pause the game, and press Up, Triange, Down, X, Left, O, Right to unlock cheat mode. Then press Down, Triange, Square, Square, Up to unlock this cheat.
Unlock Moshbowl
Down, Triangle, Right, Right, Square.
Combat Free
Don't pause the game. While playing, enable the cheat mode by pressing Up, Triangle, Down, X, Left, Circle, Right, Square - Then press Left, Square, Circle, Square, Left. Once this is enabled no one will hit you.
More Cash
Don't pause the game. While playing, enable the cheat mode by pressing Up, Triangle, Down, X, Left, Circle, Right, Square - Then press Right, Triangle, Triangle, Left for a boost of cash.
Mega Flip
Enter cheat mode, then press Right, Up(2), Right(2), Square.
Combat Upgrade
Enter cheat mode, then press Up, Down, Left(2), Right.
Energy Restore
Enable cheat mode, then press Down, Right(2), Left(2).
Super Bounce
Enable cheat mode, then press Left, Square, X, Up, Triangle.
You can see the complete cheat in the document file in the download section
We have no unlockables for Downhill Domination yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them in comment.
Unlock Character Eric Carter
Beat specialized mountain cross carrer.
Unlock Character Brain Lopes
Beat specialized mountain cross career on harcore difficulty.
Unlock Character Drud
Beat specialized freestyle career.
Unlock Rakel
Beat super carrer with a fantasy rider, then beat it again with another fantasy rider.
Unlock Super Jump W\o Paying
Go into a race and go to the bottom of a hill. When you reach the bottom turn around and do a manual until you have 60,000 points. This should take about 20 minutes, but it's alot easier than paying 15,000 dollars for Super Jump.
Unlock Missy Glove
Beat specialized technical downhill carrer.
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