All Songs
Press Yellow + Orange, Red + Blue, Red + Orange, Green + Blue, Red + Yellow, Yellow + Orange, Red + Yellow, Red + Blue, [Green + Yellow] two times, [Yellow + Blue] two times, [Yellow + Orange] two times, Yellow + Blue, Yellow, Red, Red + Yellow, Red, Yellow, Orange to unlock all songs in Quick Play mode.
Unlock Everything
[Green + Red + Blue + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + Blue], [Green + Red + Yellow + Orange], [Green + Blue + Yellow + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + Blue], [Red + Yellow + Blue + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + Blue], [Green + Yellow + Blue + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + Blue], [Green + Red + Yellow + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + Orange], [Green + Red + Yellow + Blue], [Green + Red + Yellow + Orange].
Hyperspeed Mode
Press Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow.
No Fail Cheat
No Fail: GR, B, GR, GY, B, GY, RY, O, RY, GY, Y, GY, GR.
Unlock All Nightmare Long
Red(9), Blue(3), Yellow+Red(2).
Performance Mode
Press Red + Yellow, Red + Blue, Red + Orange, Red + Blue, Red + Yellow, Green + Blue, Red + Yellow, Red + Blue. In this mode, everything disappears except for the fret board.
Large Gems
Green, Red, Green, Yellow, Green, Blue, Green, Orange, Green, Blue, Green, Yellow, Green, Red, Green, Green + Red, Red + Yellow, Green + Red, Yellow + Blue, Green + Red, Blue + Orange, Green + Red, Yellow + Blue, Green + Red, Red + Yellow, Green + Red, Green + Yellow.
Bret Michaels As The Singer
[Green + Red] three times, [Green + Blue] three times, [Green + Blue] two times, Green + Blue, Red + Blue, Red(3), Red + Blue, Red(3), Red + Blue, Red(3).
Easy Expert
Easy Expert: GR, GY, YB, RB, BO, YO, RY, RB.
Flaming heads
Press Yellow, Orange, Yellow(2), Orange, Yellow (2), Orange.
Air Guitar
Press Blue + Yellow, [Green + Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue] two times, [Red + Yellow] two times, Blue + Yellow, [Green + Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue] two times, [Red + Yellow] two times, [Green + Yellow] two times, [Red + Yellow] two times.
Preformance Mode
Press Red + Yellow, Red + Blue, Red + Orange, Red + Blue, Red + Yellow, Green + Blue, Red + Yellow, Red + Blue. In this mode, everything disappears except for the performance.
Precision Mode
Press [Green + Red] three times, [Red + Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue] two times, Yellow + Blue, Yellow + Orange, Yellow + Orange, [Green + Red] three times, [Red + Yellow] two times, [Red + Blue] two times, Yellow + Blue, [Yellow + Orange] two times.
You can see the complete cheat in the document file in the download section
Unlock All 3 Bosses: Tom Morello, Slash, Lou
To unlock Tom Morello, Slash, and Lou to play the game with, you must beat them in all three guitar battles in career mode. Tom and Slash can be bought for $10,000; and Lou can be bought for $15,000 at the store.
Unlock '59 Les Paul Guitar
Buy slash as a character for 10,000. His guitar will come with him.
Unlock Lou
Beat him in a battle and then you can buy him in the vault for 15,000.
St. George Guitar
Beat career mode on medium to get the guitar.
Star Guitar
Beat the game on medium and you can then buy a star guitar.
Moon Shot Guitar
To get the Moon Shot Guitar, complete Solo career on Easy.
Bat Guitar
To get the Bat guitar, get five stars on all songs on Easy.
Distant Visitor Guitar
To get the Distant Visitor Guitar, beat career on Expert.
Jolly Roger Guitar
To get the Jolly Roger guitar, you need to beat Medium, and then earn 5 stars on all the songs.
How To Get Slash
You will get Slash after you beat a song he will challenge you to a boss battle.
Through The Fire And Flames
To unlock the song, beat the game in career mode.
How To Get Easy Money!
To get easy money you have to have a lot of experience in at least Medium mode or up in Career. All you have to do is pass the Career mode with different bands and you will get a lot of money.
Win All The Guitar Battles
What you have to do is in a battle, get 3 attack things. THEN, use them all at the same time. Not even Lou can stand it! Seriously, try it. That's what I did to beat it. It only works when you do them all at the same time. Remember that.
Easy Through The Fire And Flames On Hard
Through the fire and flames is one of the hardest songs on Gh3 on Hard and Expert. But, I completed it with no cheats! Here's how: You must be good on the controller and the Guitar. First you get through all of the notes that are not so fast. Then when it gets to the fast parts, like the second part of the song, switch to the guitar, but pause the game first, or that hard work went to wast with a fail. After the fast part is over (As soon not 1 sec later) pause and switch so you can beat the no so fast parts.
Guitar Controller
If you only have one guitar and want to play with two players then use the Playstation 2 controller. Green(L2), Red(L1), Yellow(R1), Blue (R2), Orange(X). Sometimes it's hard but you'll get used to it.
Star Power Quicker
When star power notes are coming use whammy on the long notes you'll get it faster.
Help When Failing
If you're on a really hard song, try to get a lot of star power and then save it. Save the star power when you get to a really hard part and once you start failing, use it. It makes it much easier to get the meter all the way back up to green.
Whenever you "Battle" agaisnt another guitar hero (never matters which one) hold on as long as you can getting as many power ups as you can and save them until they have their big solo. For example: Your VERY FIRST Battle he plays a big solo at the end, save every power up as you can until that solo, he'll lose his rock. And of course you'll win that battle.
Expert Through The Flames
Put a rubber band on the green button for the intro.
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