BBV889 Imperial Officer
NNZ316 TIE Fighter Pilot
BNC332 Death Star Trooper
Grand Moff Tarkin
SMG219. You still need to purchase it with 38,000 studs.
Gonk Droid
NFX582. You still need to purchase it with 1,150 studs.
Bib Fortuna
WTY721. You still need to purchase it with 16,000 studs.
Bespin Guard
VHY832. You still need to purchase it for 15,000 studs.
Anakin Skywalker
Konobies Ghost
Ben Kenobi's Ghost
Santa Claus
Use the cheat 'CL4U5H' and 'TYH319'. Construct a character with a red hat, red clothes, black belt, white cape (optional), black gloves (hands), a weapon of your choice, and Obi-Wan's head. Then, in the start menu, select extras, go down to 'disguise' and toggle through it until you reach the number 3. Go play as him in free play.
The Emperor
Yoda (Ghost)
Sand Tropper
Skiff Guard
Imperial Spy
Imperial Shuttle Pilot
Imperial Guard
Han Solo (hood)
Tie Fighter
Gamorreaan Guard
Play As Storm Trooper!
Pause during gameplay and press Up, Down, Left, Right, L1, R1, Down, Down.
New Trooper
Unlock Ugnaught
Rebel Trooper From Hoth
Palace Guard
TIE Fighter Pilot
TIE Interceptor
Beach Trooper
Rebel Pilot
Gammorean Guard
Boba Fett
Death Star Trooper
The Emperor
Snow Trooper
Enter NYU989 to play as a snow trooper
Play As Tusken Raider
Enter "PEJ821" as a code to unlock Tusken Raider for purchase in Free Play mode.
You can see the complete cheat in the document file in the download section
Unlock Lego Land
To unlock Lego Land, you must get all golden bricks in all the story modes. Then go outside and build the Lego Land building.
How To Make Clones
NOTE:You can only make up 3 or 4 clones at a time. You need to have completed Jabba's Palace level. You need to have a person on the dark side. First you need to kill all of the Gamorean Guards and shut their things that they come out of. Go to the room with the big hole in it. Switch to your sith and make the hole. Hop on a spider. Ride it into the hole and press triangle then jump and the spider should respawn and fall in again. All you see is you switch to the character you want to clone then press X. You have a clone.
How To Get A Droid To Drive A Vehicle
NOTE:You need to have the self destruct power brick. First get a character that can drive. Then press triangle then switch to the droid and press O. Now you have a droid that can drive. NOTE: You can get hit from enemies while you are a driod inside a vehicle.
How To Kill Jabba The Hut
To kill Jabba you have to unlock the room with Jabba's face above it. To do that you have to get all the bounty hunters. You also have to unlock SUPER EWOK CATAPULT. So once you've done that, you become a ewok and have SUPER EWOK CATAPULT on. When you see Jabba come press Square at him and the little ball will hit the counter and explode and Jabba will be gone and then he'll come back and you can do it again and again.
Lego City
Get 60 Gold Bricks, then build the doorway outside
Be A B'omarr Monk
In jabba's palace go to the big hole (turn on extra toggle) jump in the hole as a regular character on a b'omarr monk and then switch to the wamprat and enjoy.
Gonk On A Spider
After completeing Jabba's Palace, play on freeplay as a gonk droid. Make the big hole in the floor, then get on the spider with a regular character and fall into the hole and before you die swich to the gonk droid. When you respawn you have a Gonk on a Spider. (For best effect use invincibility [to keep you from losing $$$]. ).
Reload Barrels
As you may know, you can get easy money by hitting the barrels outside the cantina. But what you don't know is what to do when they runout. The easy way to get these barrels back is by watching a video clip after they runout. Once the clip is over, go back outside and you will see all the barrels back. Do this over and over again, and you will end up with a lot of money.
Minikit Detector
You will find it on the level Jabba's palace.
Infinite Torpedoes
To get the power brick, just go to the level where you fight the emperor. On both sides are four red squares. Be Darth Vader and force them all as quickly as possible. Don't forget to hold down the force button until it stops!
Self Destruct Power Brick
To use self destruct, change or switch to a droid and press circle. You cannot be a jedi or any other blaster character.
The Invincible Ghosts
After finishing the final episode level, Anakin's, Obi-Wan's, and Yoda's ghosts will appear in the character purchasing counter. They have hefty price tags, but they are worth every stud: they are invincible AND invisible to enimies. So start saving up for them...
Easy Cash
To get easy cash just go outside and kill the barrels on the sides of the walls.
Force Jump
Press "Square, Square, X" on the controller to be able to jump extra high.
Old Characters, New Game
If you want all the characters from the first game available for free play in the second game, there are three easy steps to make that possible. First, make sure you have saved the first game on the same memory card that you have the second game saved on. Next, Go to the Cantina and go to extras. Then, buy the icon with Yoda's face on it. You will have to go to the paused menu and turn the second extra on. Now, go to any level and pick free play and you will have twice as many characters to choose from!
Unlock Lobot
To unlock Lobot for purchase, go to the Mos Eisley Cantina, go to the counter, select "cheats" at the menu, and put in UUB319. Alternatively, complete the level "Betrayal Over Bespin", and purchase him in "characters" at the Cantina counter.
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