Unlock Blaze....the Easy Way
If you don't want to do konquest at ALL and still wanna unlock Blaze, then go to the Krypt. On 1 of the boxes it will have a ? on it, click it and type in the kode. The kode is Triangle, Square, Left, L1, Left, then circle.
Mortal Fatality
Wait till it says Finish Him then press Left Left Square, then Right, Right, Square, Right Right square then Left Right square then Left Left X. But try to do this fast.
Play As Daegon
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, L2, Triangle, Down(2), Square to unlock Daegon. Alternately, collect 30 Relic items in Konquest mode.
Firewall Arena Concept Art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up, Square, R1, L2, Circle, L1 to unlock Firewall arena concept art.
Mileena's Car Design Concept Art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, Right, Up, R1, Triangle, Up to unlock Mileena's car design concept art.
Pyramid Of Argus Concept Art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Triangle, Left(2), X, Down, Circle to unlock Pyramid concept art.
Sektor's Pulse Blade Concept Art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, L1, Left, X, Up, R1 to unlock Sektor's Pulse Blade concept art.
Unused Konquest Trap Concept Art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Circle, R1, Triangle, Down, Circle, Left to unlock Unused Konquest Trap concept art.
Nethership Interior Arena
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, Left (2), Down, L1, Square to unlock the Nethership Interior arena.
Play As Meat
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up, Square (2), Circle(2), Up to unlock Meat. Alternately, collect 10 Relic items in Konquest mode.
Play As Taven
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press L2, Left, R1, Up, Circle, Down to unlock Taven. Alternately, successfully complete Konquest mode.
Killer Fatalaty
After you beat a guy he should be drowsy. To do a killer fatality when he is drowsy go up to him and press Right, Left, Triangle. Then Left, Right, Triangle. Then Left, Right, Circle.
Frost's Alternate Costume
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Down, R2, R1, L1, Circle, L2 to unlock Frost's alternate costume.
Cyrax Fatality Blooper Movie
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Right, L1, R2, Down, Up, L1 to unlock the Cyrax fatality blooper movie. (haha that is a funny one)
Blaze Concept Art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press L1, Triangle, L2(2), R1, Square to unlock Blaze concept art.
Drahmin's Alternate Costume
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press L1, Right, X, R1, Up(2) to unlock Drahmin's alternate costume.
Nitara's Alternate Costume
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Down, L1, Up, L1(2), Right to unlock Nitara's alternate costume.
Shang Tsung's Alternate Costume
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press L2, Left, Up, Circle, Up, L1 to unlock Shang Tsung's alternate costume.
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Promo Movie
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up(2), Down, Up, L1, X to unlock the Mortal Kombat: Armageddon promo movie.
Motor Gameplay Movie
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Triangle, Up, R1, L2, R2, R1 to unlock the Motor gameplay movie.
Armory Music
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press X, Square, Left, Triangle, Square, X to unlock the Armory music.
Lin Kuei Palace Music
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press L2, Left, Circle, X, R2, Right to unlock the Lin Kuei Palace music.
Pyramid Of Argus Music
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Down, Left, R1, L1, Up, L2 to unlock the Pyramid Of Argus music.
Tekunin Warship Music
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up, Circle, L2, R2(2), X to unlock the Tekunin Warship music.
Early Taven Concept Art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press Up, X, R2, Down, L2, X to unlock Early Taven concept art.
Ed Boon Concept Art
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press L1, Left, Up, Circle, R2, L1 to unlock Ed Boon concept art.
General Reiko's Map Room Arena
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R1, Triangle, R2, Up, X(2) to unlock General Reiko's Map Room arena.
Falling Cliffs Arena
At the "?" box inside the Krypt, press R2, Circle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle to unlock the Falling Cliffs arena.
You can see the complete cheat in the document file in the download section
Unlock Everything
Collect all 60 relics in Konquest mode, go to the crypt and everything will be unlocked.
Unlock Taven For Arcade
Beat konquest to unlock Taven
Unlock Blaze For Arcade
Get 50 collectibles in knoquest to unlock blaze
Play As Meat
Collect 10 Relic items in Konquest mode to unlock Meat.
How To Make Demon Jin Off Of Tekken
Body Size: medium
Hair:swoop. And the darkest black
Hands: Wraps. Red
Face: possessed
upper body: none
Lower body: karate. The darkest black
belt:Karate belt
Chest: Bat wings
feet:Wraps. Red
Fighting Stance: Kickboxing
Make Akuma (from Street Figther)
Gender, male. Size large or medium. Skin color 2, 7. Face undead or evil undead (if undead change color to2, 6). Hair devil band color 1, 32. helmet none torso baraka both color 1, 32 cloth none gloves karate 2, 4 pants karate 1, 32 belt 1, 5 head none crest monk beads 2, 5 arms none legs none.
20,000 Koins!!!!!!!!!
Collect 20 Relic items in Konquest mode to get 20,000 extra Koins.
Rip Head Off Fatality
Once you have won the fight the guy you fought should be drowsy, then you press R1, X, Circle then you rip your opponents head off.
Free Stuff In Kreate A Fighter
When in Kreate a Fighter mode, all you have to do is highlight the apparel or face you want and press X then press Triangle to leave kreate a fighter and save the changes then , when you go to Kombat mode, you have everything you selected. Its as easy as that. Now you can save a whole lot of Koinz.
Suicide Win
If you are playing 2 player while on falling cliffs arena you can hit one another once and go by the edge and wait. When you see it fall, your characters will stumble and both die by spikes but the one who hit first will still have full health and win the match.
Unlock Alternate Costume
Press :START: at the character selection screen to select your characters alternate costume (some need to be unlocked at the KRYPT.
Floating Weapons
First you go to practice or Vs mode and get Noob Vs Reptile and, then use Darkness on Noob and use Chameleon on Reptile and choose their weapons and there they float, or just see invisible characters on the screen!
Unlock Taven's Brother
Get 30 relics to get Taven's brother
Artika Arena
Successfully complete all seven trials in Artika Obliesk to unlock the Artika arena.
The Krypt Stage
Collect all 60 Relic items in Konquest mode to unlock The Krypt stage.
Defeating Blaze
Play as NightWolf. When the battle starts, press L1 to switch to your Tomahawks. Quickly press Forward(2), Circle to do a Rhino Charge, then quickly press Square, Triangle, X, Circle to do a combo that takes away a large amount of his health. Keep repeating this until Blaze has been defeated.
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