All Objects
To get all objects simply press L2, R2, Up, Triangle, L3.
Unlock All Socials
While playing the game quickly press L1, R1, Down, X, L3 and L3. A Sim Voice should confirm if enterd correctly.
All Social Options
To get all social options press L1, R1, Down, X, L3, R3 (Note you have to do the code in less than 2 seconds.)
All Socials
In order to this cheat code you must do it in a 5 second amount of time. Press in L1, R1, down, X, L3, R3. Now all socials are unlocked.
Unlock All Places (for Visting Only)
Pause the game and hit R2, R3, L3, L2, R1, L1 quickly if you do it right you should here a sim voice.
Cheat Gnome
Press R2, L1, R1, L2, Left, Circle. A Gnome will appear on the sidewalk outside. Click on it to activate it. (you have to type in the other cheats too)
Raise Motives
Put in the cheat gnome code first then pause then press L2, R1, Left, Circle, Up.
Improve Motives
After you enter the, knogme cheat, hold L1, and push L2, R1, Left, Circle, Up. Click the gnome and select "Fill All Motives."
Money & Items
Press L1, R2, Right, Square, L3 and then "Get Money" comes with it! Then you will want all objects so press Start and quickly press L2, R2, Up, Triangle, L3.
Team Photos
While Playing Press L3, R3, R1, R2.
You can see the complete cheat in code list document file in the download section
Me have no unlockables for The Sims: Bustin' Out yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them in comment.
Extra Money
At Mom's house, Mimi's place, or Dudley's trailer, buy things until your budget drops below $100. Wait about an hour. When the phone rings, answer it. You will get free money. Repeat this as necessary.
Extra $$$
At Mom's house, Mimi's place, or Dudley's trailer, buy things until your budget drops below $100. Wait about an hour. When the phone rings, answer it. You will get free money. Repeat this as necessary.
Get A Ton Of Money Easily
At either Mom's, Mimi's, or Dudly's house buy a ton of furniture until your amount of money reaches below 100. In about an hour you will receive a call... answer it an you will receive more money. Now use that money to buy more furniture until your money again reaches below 100. Wait for the call again. Repeat (about 15 or 20 times). Now move out and all the money that you spent on furniture will be givin to you!!! Now you have a ton of money!!!
The Fern
When move into Goth Manors house, press start and go to goals, you will see that there is a goal that says something like, find the stolen fern. Well go to Dudley's Trailer. Out there in the back by the old wrecked up car is a fern. Click on it and it will say steal fern, do so.
DJ Spin Freak
When you unlock all the objects, go to buy mode and buy a bounce my booty dance floor. Get the DJ booth and spin records for your friends you will build creative points as well as friends.
Computer Hackers
Go to the Shiny Things Lab and steal computer.
To make the game two players... get to where you are in "Play Mode" and make sure the first player has not paused the game. Pick up the second controller anjust press "Start". It will become a split screen . This only works if you have two or more family members. If you have more than to family members, you have to press "R2" to switch them.
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