Get A Million Credit Points
To get a million credit points, pause game and press Up, X, Up, X, R1, R2. If you enter it correctly, you will hear a sound.
God Mode
While playing in offline mode, pause the game and input Up, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Left, Right. A sound similar to the effect you hear when you pause the game will occur. This code cannot be turned off until you shut off your game system.
Pause the and press Up, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Left, Right. If done correctly you should here a sound. Note: To turn it off redo this cheat.
Infinite Ammo
Pause the game, hold l2+r2 and press Up, Down, Left, Down, Down, Left, Down, Down, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right.
Unlimited Ammunition
Pause the game then type "UP, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. This may take 2 times to work. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a conformation sound.
Jedi Dancers!
Pause the game and press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right to make every character with a lightsaber do the disco! But beware it doesn't work every time. Once it took me eleven times to make it work.
Funny Messages When Rebels Deafeted
Pause the game, hold L2+R2 and press up, down, left, down, left, right.
Alternate Soldiers
Pause the game, hold L2+R2 and press down, down, down, up, up, left, down, down, down, down, down, left, up, up, up, left.
Slow-mo Sounds
While playing, pause the game and input Up, Up, Up, Left, Up, Down, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right. The code turns off only when your game system is rebooted.
Regenerating Ammo
Pause while playing offline and input Up, Down, Left, Down, Down, Left, Down, Down, Left, Down, Down, Down, Left, Right. A chirp similar to the one heard when pausing will occur. Your ammo counter will go down, but will refill instantly when reloading.
Party-time Jedi/wampa Hit Effects
Pause game play in single player mode then press Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect.
Easter Egg: Wampa Funnies
During Hunt sessions, pause the game hold L2 + R2 and input UP, DOWN, LEFT, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT for some eggy printed commentary.
Low Resolution Solders
Pause the game in Story, Instant Action, Galactic Conquest or multi-player mode and press Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Left, Right. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear A sound similar to the effect you hear when you pause the game will occur. Repeat the code to disable its effect.
Low-res Soldiers
Pause game play in single player mode then press Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Left. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect.
Alternate Sounds
Pause the game hold L2+R2 and press up, up, up, left, up, down, up, up, left, down, down, down, left, up, down, down, left, right.
Disable Hud
Pause game play in single player or multi-player mode then press Up, Up, Up, Up, Left, Up, Up, Down, Left, Down, Up, Up, Left, Right. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Repeat the code to disable its effect.
Low Resolution Solders
Pause the game in Story, Instant Action or Galactic Conquest mode and press Down, Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Left, Up, Up, Up, Left. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Slow-mo Sounds
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single player! Up(3), Left, Up, Down, Up(2), Left, Down(3), Left, Up, Down(2), Left, Right.
No Hud
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single player and multiplayer! Up(4), Left, Up(2), Down, Left, Down, Up(2), Left, Right.
Party-time Jedi/ Wampa Hit Effects
Simply pause the game and type in the code to turn it on. Single player only! Up, Down, Left, Down, Left, Right.
You can see the complete cheat in the document file in the download section
Elite Rifle
Get 12 kills with a blaster rifle in 1 life, and you will get a EE-3 Elite Rifle. (must do 6 times in order to be given rifle)
Beam Rifle
Snipe 6 headshots in 1 life (6 times) and be awarded a rifle.
Guidable Rockets
4 hits against 1 vehicle with a rocket launcher rewards you with Guidable rockets.
Precision Pistol
Get 6 kills with a blaster pistol in 1 life and you will be rewarded with the reward pistol.
Reward Shotgun
Get 12 kills with a shotgun in 1 life and you will be rewarded with the reward shotgun.
Invincibility On Splitscreen Mode
First go to Instant Action mode on single player. Go to any level and enter the Invincibility cheat. You should quit and get to the main menu. When you enter a level on splits creen you should both have invincibility. It doesn't work to just enter th code while playing the level on split screen.
Walk On Air!
On Mos Eisley during assault (Heroes Vs. Villains), go to top farthest top right of the whole place near the heroes cp highest on the map run across the road and there should be a huge tower. To the right of the tower there is somewhat of a hole between buildings walk onto it and you will be walking on air!
Easy Kills On Death Star
Getting easy kills on the eath star is simple. First go to the lazer control room. (doesn't matter what team or era you are on) second take that cp (if you don't already own it) and select the guy with a shot gun. Then go over to where the bridge is leading into the room. If you turn right you'll see a control panel. Set a det pack underneath it. Run far enough back that the blast wont hurt you but you can still see the bridge. You might want to of turned off friendly fire because your team tends to stand by the control panel. When you see enemies blow the bridge. You might want to do this on multiplayer because this wont get you enough kills to win the game.
Invincable Leia Without Health Cheat
First choose Leia in any mode. Then pause and enter the ammo cheat. Go to a ammo droid and use the invulnerability. (You can find it by changing your secondary weapon)If you wait a moment then you will see that you have 2 invulnerabilities and when you stand near your allies and use it everyone will get a shield and after a moment you will have 2 invulnerability's again. Note:You can only get a shield when you have any allies near you and you will still lose life but just a little bit. PS. After a moment when you have 2 invulnerabilities again your shield will disappear and you have to "throw" a shield again.
Easy Way To Kill Tanks
First you have to have the invincability code on then ammo code get the shock trooper character and select the mines when you see a tank fire at it and come your way and when it does run up to it and throw a mine on it and KA-BOOM!
Infinite Choke
Pick any Jedi that can choke and start to choke. Then change your secondary weapon (while choking). Then you'll see that your choking that character and your stamina is going up or is filled.
Dooku Kill
To easily kill an opponent with Count Dooku, use force choke on someone and while holding down L1, press L2 and you will continue to choke them but now you will also electrocute them.
Abandoned Area
Go to Instant Action and put Hoth (on conquest) into your playlist. Then become the rebels and jump into a hoth speeder. Go out of the hangar then double back on yourself and fly above the base as if you are leaving the battlefield. As you fly over the base look on your mini map, land in the big pool of white (on your mini map) and get out. If there correctly you should see an abandoned hanger and trenches on the otherside of Echo Base.
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